When you are looking to create more site traffic, article writing is one place that many successful online businesses turn. For years many businesses have used articles that have their “brand” on them to be pushed out of several venues for additional coverage and credibility. Here are three ways to push traffic through effective use of article writing.
If you utilize one of the popular blogging sites to create an identity, you are tapping into nearly instant search engine exposure and the ability to create a following. When you start a blog, you are creating a series of articles that will help, entertain, or educate your readers in some way. If you choose to use the blog to market your product, then you must post articles that will deliver relevant and useful information to your prospective customer on a regular basis. Blogs create both visibility and credibility.
Ezines are widely used on the internet. The concept is simple: post relevant and useful articles, webmasters like your article while they are searching for site content, your article is posted on their site, you receive a back link and name recognition for your efforts. This is a great scenario, as you will not only get a backlink from a site that will likely host other relevant information and improve your page rank, but you will improve your likelihood of others reading your informative article and following the link back to your site.
The thing about e-books is that they give you instant credibility. In reality, anyone can write a couple of thousand words and publish them in a pdf. The difference between a 3 page pdf and an e-book is one thing: marketing. If you gather a handful of your best articles on one solid topic and publish them with a table of contents you have an e-book. What do you do with it? You can offer it as a promotional gift, it can be bundled with other products to sweeten a sale, or you can use it to coerce your customers to sign up for your mailing list.
Sell Yourself
Make sure that if you choose to publish an article that you put your name all over it, link back to your site, refer to your products, and give information that is strong and relevant. Remember that your customer will appreciate that you are experienced enough to deliver a high quality e-book on the topic and will likely refer to you again in the future or recognize your name when you market your next product.
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Thursday, April 2, 2009
Driving Website Traffic with Articles
article writing,
internet marketing,